"Marking the 20th Anniversary of the 'Abu Dhabi Police-Looting' in Abu Dhabi, UAE".
"Shop burgled by policeman and his companion Emirati landlord, US$.4m worth money and valuables looted!" Regrettably, the 'Perpetrator' of this 'Heinous Crime' was the State itself whose Ruler at the time was none
other than the late 'Sheikh Zayed', the Emir of Abu Dhabi and absolute Ruler of the UAE; and the 'United Nations' has an obligation to act. ... "Statement on the Occasion
of the '20th Anniversary of Abu Dhabi Police-Looting, UAE"
The State of the injured national to claim against the offending State at the inter-State level. It is in this perspective that States may claim reparation from the offending State but the victims themselves have no standing to bring international claims".
Read Text: States as Guardians of the Rights of Individuals
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Global Legal ServicesThe ‘UAE Court Judgments’ are worth buying, in all respects
The UAE officials are committed to honour the content of the obligation to execute the Court Judgments now available for sale to general public. The execution of the Judgment, it is inferred, is only delayed but not denied. View the statements and documents in connection with the European Parliament resolution. A great potential and scope for investments in a Judgment, awarded by the highest Court of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates...More Details
Landmark Judgments in the history of Abu Dhabi (UAE) Jurisprudence – Now on sale!
There are diabolical debtors who hide Judicial decisions, commit fraud or other henious acts to avoid honoring obligations! Buy portfolios of UAE Judgments now on sale!...More Details
Learn about corrupt practices in UAE
The head of a business empire based in Abu Dhabi was attacked by a posse of policemen in civil dress at his office; robbed of cash and valuables to force him to withdraw a lawsuit against a property owner...More Details
JFS, (Judgment For Sale) is a unique business strategy to satisfy legal judgments, to recover his or her rights from the debtors specified in a Judgment. As a lawful owner of a legal Judgement, the victim has the right to offer his Judgment for sale or to make efforts to legally enforce and recover his assets and the inherent rights of individuals to dignity... 'About JFS'
Read, Reflect, React:- Justice on trial – United Arab Emirates...Read
A Portfolio of UAE Judgments:- The sale price, it is only 35% of the original price!...Read
UAE Judgments are worth buying, in all respects:- The UAE officials are committed to honour the content of the obligation to execute the Court Judgments now available for sale to general public...Read
Judgment For Sale - FAQ:- Frequently Asked Questions in respect of selling Court awarded Judgments...Read
Judgment Marketplace:- Join us and explore our innovative approaches to secure Justice...Read
UAE Case Law:-The Case Law & Constitution of UAE...Read
International Responsibility:-States as Guardians of the Rights of Individuals...Read
Legal Remedies & Reparations:- :-Reparation has progressively been conceived as a 'Right' of victims...Read
Legal Research & Outsourcing:- A team of professionals who have vast knowledge and expertise in the Legal field...Read
Invest in a judgment recovery business:- This is one of our value added, superior marketing plans primarily to honour and support the rights of individuals...Read
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